Schedule repetitive tasks in Jira.
Create Jira issues from templates easily. Create Epic with all its stories and sub-tasks.

Appsvio is trusted by many customers worldwide

Schedule template
Use graphical configuration or use CRON to schedule a template

Don't waste time
Think about it as a Issue templates

Create issue from template
Execute template manually.
Template examples
Create reminders to periodically check your critical asets
New employee onboarding
List of tasks to be done during onboarding/offboarding proces.
Backup review
Check annually your backup procedures
Marketing campagnes
Convert recurring marketing campaign tasks to the template.
Employee feedbacks
You will never forget about annual feedback with scheduled template
Review user access rights
Automatically create an issue once a year to check the permssion.
Recurring sales reports
Never forget about sending a sales report to your manager.
Product Launch
Do you lunch many similar products from time to time? Prepare a checklist as a tempalate
Any repetitive process
Automate whatever you can to save time